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Sharnford Church of England Primary School

“Many hearts make our school nourishing, flourishing and fruitful”

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Spirituality at Sharnford Church of England Primary School

Spirituality is about how we experience life and therefore how we live our own lives. It is also about our relationship with our self, others, the world and with God. It even makes us aware of things bigger than ourselves and this often makes us say ‘wow’ but sometimes ‘ow’.  It gives us the confidence to reflect, ask questions and challenge in many ways. It reminds us that we are valued and all unique.

As a school, our aim is to give children the tools and language to express their spirituality, so they can develop a deep, treasured understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This should not be limited to academic, sporting or creative achievements - but the parts that can’t be seen from the outside. Spirituality at Sharnford Primary School is an integral part of learning opportunities and
experiences throughout our bespoke curriculum and acts of worship, providing opportunities for children to ask, consider and offer their thoughts to big questions.

We encourage Spirituality using a framework developed by Andrew Ricketts where the children reflect on
● SELF knowing themselves (looking in)
● OTHERS a growing empathy concern and compassion for others (looking out)
● BEAUTY responding to the world and beauty (looking out)
● BEYOND thinking about things beyond - an awareness of being a small part of something bigger (looking up)

It is relationships that bind each of the four aspects together and can be seen at the heart. What connects them is love.
“Spirituality is the act of being fully human by discovering and revealing ourselves through love.” (Andrew Ricketts)

