Hazel Class 2024-2025
Welcome to Hazel Class!
We are a mixed year 3/4 class. The children are taught by Miss Spence, alongside superb classroom support both in and out of class by Miss Love, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Hopkins.
Our priority is to provide a varied and exciting curriculum where all children want to learn. We as a class (as well as the whole school) place a high emphasis on the value of reading. Your support in this aspect and when completing home learning and homework activities is invaluable.
Communication will be via face to face, phone calls, emails and Facebook. However, if you have any queries or questions then please don't hesitate to contact the school office who will forward any messages.
Key routines:
- PE is on a Monday and Friday. Please ensure children come in correct uniform (black/navy bottoms and white t-shirts).
- Homework is given out on a Friday and is to be returned the following Thursday. This includes spellings too.
- Children are to read three times a week and reading records will be checked every Friday.
- Children should be bringing in their reading books and records everyday.
Thank you,
Miss Spence and all of the Hazel Class team!