Our School Vision
'Many hearts make our school nourishing, flourishing and fruitful.'
Jesus said, “I am the vine and you are the
branches. If you stay joined to me, and I
to you, you will produce plenty of fruit.
(John 15:5 ERV)
Our school is made up of ‘many hearts’ and together we make our school family. We are all joined together as branches are to the vine. Just as gardeners look after their plants by watering, feeding them and pruning them, so too the whole school family, guided by the teachings of the Bible, nourish each other in order that everyone is fruitful and is enabled to flourish. Being fruitful is about the children themselves (their social, emotional and academic growth) and the school community as a whole being fruitful within the community (charity work, acts of service, links with the churches). Our school’s Christian values of perseverance, friendship, forgiveness, justice, respect and thankfulness help us to grow together as one.