Welcome to Hazel Class!
Below, you will find the following information:
- Information about Hazel Class.
- Copies of our homework tasks.
- Termly overviews for each term.
- Shared examples of what we have been up to each term!
Interactive Viking Knowledge Organiser
Here is our knowledge organiser for Summer Term 1. We will be learning all about the Vikings! This knowledge organiser is interactive. There are a number of videos and articles all about the Vikings. Click on the pictures to find out more about each part of Viking life.
Viking Knowledge Organiser
What is a knowledge organiser?
Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject.
They can be a useful way to encourage children to talk about what they are learning and engage with a topic outside of school, helping to support their ability to recall important information and facts, as well as strengthening their understanding of what they are learning about.