PE Curriculum
Intent, Implementation and Impact
At our schools we intend for our PE curriculum to be accessible and achievable for all, focussing on high quality teaching that inspires and motivates all pupils to challenge themselves physically and mentally enabling them to know more about physical activity and keeping a healthy active lifestyle.
We provide opportunities to develop and broaden the foundation learning that takes place in school by adopting a curriculum which is both ambitious and progressively designed to give all pupils the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for future learning and life. Children are also provided with a variety of competitions (in school and out) throughout the year in a range of sports focusing on embedding the key multi-ability skills needed by concentrating on the core areas of: agility, balance and coordination.
Through our curriculum, we aim to provide fun and inspiring opportunities for children to build their character and gain transferable life skills so that we can ensure that all pupils leaving school at the end of year 6 have embedded values such as fairness, respect, resilience, teamwork and cooperation.
We want all of our pupils to enjoy physical activity from reception to year 6 and to experience a range of activities that help them to be mentally and physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and well-being. As a result, children enjoy lessons, achieving well.